Sunday, February 14, 2010

Get paid $10 sign up bonus

4000 TV channels

Get cash from your website. Sign up as affiliate.

Bisnis Pay Per Lead yang akan menambah uang PayPal anda. NeedEarn merupakan sebuah website Affiliasi yang menjual inti produknya yaitu TV Internet dengan berbagai macam saluran dari berbagai negara di dunia. Namun kali ini saya tidak mengajak anda untuk membeli, hanya memperkenalkan website ini kepada orang lain dan anda akan mendapatkan bayaran.

Apa saja yang akan anda dapatkan ?

$10 Saat SIGN UP / mendaftar
$ 3 Saat ada orang lain yang bergabung melalui LINK affiliasi anda seperti ini
$0,01 saat ada orang lain yang hanya klik link affiliate tadi
$0,03 saat ada orang lain yang klik link seperti ini yang memasarkan software TV internet 4000 channel
$8 jika terjadi penjualan Software TV internet
NeedEarn memberikan minimum pay out $200 dan mudah registrasinya.
Mudah bukan ?, dan dibayarkan melalui rekening PayPal anda.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Earn Extra Money With MyPage5

Hello Friends !!!
MyPage5 is a social networking site that pays you for your activity. Whether it is for blogging, uploading a video, posting a comment and other online activities.
This is 100% Legal and Totally Scam Free.

How To Make Money ??
MyPage5's payment method is Paypal, which is an online payment service. If a member is not registered with Paypal, a cheque will be sent via the postal service. MyPage5 has a minimum payment amount of $15, $25, $50 and $100USD.

Earn Money :-
New member sign up with photo: $5.00

If a new member signs up and uploads his/her profile picture at registration, they'll get this bonus. A picture is a nice touch to a profile so we like members to take time to upload one.

New member sign up without photo: $0.00

Create blog: 4c

Members will get this bonus every time they contribute a blog to the site. Blogs must be genuine and not copied or contain links to other blogs. You can upload up to ten blogs at a time but, only five will be rewarded or credited to your account. If you copy and paste or infringe copy write and you are caught, £10.00 will be deducted from your earnings.

Blog Comment: 1c

Members are allowed ten blog comments daily on blogs posted by other members. Short or meaningless comments such as "nice" thanks for sharing" etc. will attract a penalty of $5.00.

Upload video: 3c

Members will get this bonus for every video that they upload to mypage5. Videos will not be offensive in nature and multiple posts of the same video is not allowed. Poor quality and copyright Videos will be deleted. Please inspect your work before you post. Mypage5 will pay for up to three video uploads daily.

Those who upload videos without images or not titled in English, or dark videos will not have their payments processed. Please delete them if they are not properly uploaded. Anyone who uploads pornographic videos will be banned from MyPage5.

Video comment : 1c

Comment on the video you've just watched, not really a bad reward for commenting on a video. A maximum of five video comments are rewarded daily. Short or meaningless comments such as "nice" thanks for sharing" etc. will attract a penalty of $5.00.

Post classified: 1c

Do you have an item for sale? Why not put it on our classifieds section. Are you a woman looking for a man or a man looking for a woman? Our classifieds page is your answer. One classified paid daily (whether item sells or not) though you may add as many as you wish free of cost if you have many things to sell.

Create group: 1c

Create a group to get this bonus. Groups are intended to bring together like minded individuals, work colleagues, school friends or just supporters of the same football team!

Join group/Comment: 1c

If you join any group, comment or contribute to the group topics the above is your reward. Two group comments are paid daily! Short or meaningless comments such as "nice" thanks for sharing" etc. will attract a penalty of $5.00.

Invite a friend: 5% of your referral's daily activities

You will receive 5% of the referrals' daily activities. This money will be paid from mypage5 account and will be in effect as long as referrals and yourself remain active. Depending on your referrals to work for you is not allowed. You must remain active on MyPage5 in order to be paid.

Profile comment: 1c

You can comment on members' profiles but, no duplicates, no spanning and no advertising. Please note that you are allowed to post maximum of fifteen user profile comments daily. Posting of multiple profile comments on one page on the same day is spamming. Please don't do this as your risk losing all your earnings and your account becoming void.

Upload photo to album: 1c

Members will get 1c for any of their photos, friends or relations they upload to their profile photo albums. Please Note: duplicate photos, stock photos, Internet photos or any copyright material are not allowed. Such practice will lead to account suspension and revenue loss. Maximum number of photos a member is allowed to upload is 400, Those who insist on exceeding this allowance will not have their payments processed until they remove the excess.

Photo comment : 1c

Comment on photos you've just looked at, tell us what you think, your reward is the above. Mypage5 allow maximum of three photo comments daily. Comments must not be abusive or meaningless.

Band comment : 1c

Your favorite band? comment on your band and get 1cent reward. Two band comments daily. Comments must not be abusive or meaningless.

Chat reward: 2c

Join your favorite color chat room and spend a minimum of 30 minutes in order to cash in on this bonus. Please ensure that you click on "log off" otherwise the system will not reward you.

No foul language, no abuse and no sexual harassment! Where we find that this is happening the respective offenders will be banned from MyPage5. If any member suffers from any such abuse, they should report immediately to MyPage5 Admin.

Lets get started at

Acme People Search Engine - How to Make Big Profits With the Acme People Search Affiliate Program

One third of all the searches on Google and Yahoo are people searching for other people. This is a huge niche that has grown consistently over the past few years. If you wanted to find a person online you could do it, but it could literally takes days or even weeks to find the exact person you were looking for, much less their address and phone number. We need answers quickly. We don't have time to waste. We can find people by phone number and we can find people by address through these specialized people find engines. These search engines have huge databases and are currently used by some large reputable companies. Now, you may ask, how does this help me?

The niche can be targeted to give you a very lucrative business. You can own your very own search engine and when people look for information you get paid. The acme people search engine itself has many affiliate links embedded in it. The prospects are also sent follow up messages to increase your profits. This is one of the newest most reputable affiliate marketing programs.

A website address is the only cost of having your own, profitable search engine. If you think about it, it's a small price to pay for a search engine that can generate huge commissions for you. You also get referral bonuses and a chance to create a residual income.

Your acme people search engine is advertised for you for free on Google, Yahoo, and MSN so you can be in profit fast. You get five sources of income from one site in 3 easy steps:


This is an opportunity you cannot pass up. I have seen and done almost everything out there but I am sticking to this one since it can be very profitable and is one of the most reputable affiliate marketing programs on the internet - acme people search.

You earn a commission every time someone uses your search engine to get results.
But here is the best part. ACME-PEOPLE SEARCH advertises your search engine for you for Free!!!
on Google and Yahoo so you can start profiting immediately.

Needless to say this is my main money maker right now.
As of this month I average about $80-$120 daily.

After you join the Admin puts a $125 bonus in your account. It will only cost you $10 a month to get your own People Search Engine. At least take the time to read about how this works, you may be surprised. People search is a HUGH Niche market.

So, what are you waiting for?
Tired of all the scams? See how you can profit with ACME People Search....Click Now!

ACME People Search

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cara Daftar Domain Gratis di

CO.CC:Free Domain

Berikut ini langkah-langkah untuk daftar Domain di :

Masuk terlebih dahulu ke situs nya untuk daftar, silahkan anda masukan domain yang akan anda gunakan dengan mengisi kotak isiian daftar domain, seperti berikut ini :

misalkan, saya akan saya masukan domain sebagai contoh smklatansa, setelah itu tekan tombol di samping isian domain, tunggu beberapa saat, server akan mendeteksi ketersediaan domain yang anda ajukan, jika sudah ada, maka anda harus memasukan domain yang lain, jika tersedia maka server akan menampilan data bahwa domain tersebut tersedia, seperti berikut ini :

jika domain yang anda ajukan sudah diterima dan tersedia, selanjutnya anda akan melakukan pendaftaran, silahkan klik tombol lanjutkan ke pendaftaran, dan isi formulir sesuai dengan biodata anda, sperti berikut ini :

jika anda sudah memilki account di, silahkan log in, akan tetapi jika anda tidak memilkinya silahkan tekan tulisan buat account baru sekarang, dan lakukan pengisian formulir.

isi data-data tentang anda selengkap mungkin, dan yang bertanda ceklis (centang) merupakan field yang harus anda isi, jangan sampai lupa untuk diisi, langkah selanjutnya :

langkah selanjutnya, kita diharuskan untuk mengatus domain kita, silahkan anda klik tombol setup, yang ada di atas tulisan Please setup Now, tunggu beberapa saat, dan langkah selanjutnya :

Setelah masuk ke pengaturan domain anda klik radio botton Manage DNS, dan amsukan di :
1. Name Server 1 :
2.Name Server 2 :
Kalau sudah tekan tombol setup, selanjutnya :

Klik setup, dan selanjutnya:

Anda telah berhasil daftar domain di, berikut ini keterangan dari domain anda.

Mungkin bagi anda yang sudah paham akan Name Server 1 :, Name Server 2 :, sudah paham dan mengerti maksudnya, akan tetapi bagi anda yang belum mengerti saya akan mencoba menjelaskan, yang di maksud dari kedua Name server tersebut adalah :
  1. Server yang akan kita jadikan tempat hosting yaitu di, hosting ini tanpa biaya, alias gratis, jadi anda bisa hosting di sini tanpa pungutan biaya.
  2. untuk daftar di, silahkan ikuti tutorial selanjutnya.
Mohon maaf jika ada langkah-langkah yang masih kurang tepat, jadi saran dan kritik saya tunggu, atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terimakasih.

Untuk mencoba daftar domain silahkan cek ketersediaan nama domain:

Free Website Hosting

Free Website Hosting

Monday, February 1, 2010

Get PTC -

Get paid with PTC

How is money earned?
Earning money is easy with Trek. The more active you are, the faster you get to our maximum payout. A member is awarded credits each time they do one of the following.
1. When a member does a search and visits one of  Clients websites, credits are given.
2. If a member refers another person to TrekPay or Trek Advertising they are awarded credits.

Each Week Trek will share in its profit by placing a dollar amount on each credit. The more credits you have earned the higher the payout.

Another way to earn is "sales Commissions"

When a member is credited with a sale from Trek Advertising they will receive an immediate deposit into their back office account.

It pays to advertise your referral page!

How do I get paid?
A member must have a PayPal account in order to be paid. A PayPal account is free to get, just go to At this time no other payout options are available.
Once each week Trek will run a payout. This will occur sometime between Tuesday-Thursday.
Check your account for the amount of money. When you have $5.50 or more then a request for payout to PayPal option will appear. Make sure you have inserted your PayPal email address or your payout cannot be processed. Once we receive the payout request the monies will be deposited into your PayPal account after the 2 week holding period.

Just click and signup at

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